
VU Career Center

The VU Career Center helps students connect with employers.  All students are encouraged to register on the Blazer Careerlink (BCL), the VU online job board.  Even if you're not currently looking for employment, we use BCL to keep you informed.  The Career Center will work with you to help you be ready to make a great first impression.  Our services are free to you as a student as well as once you graduate.

Why contact the Career Center? If you are still exploring which major is a good fit, we have tools to help you.  If you are looking to connect with employers, we can help guide you through that process.  Take a look at some of the free services we offer:

Blazer Careerlink

Your First Step!

BCL is a great online tool where employers post positions and students/alumni can search for part-time or full-time positions as well as internships. Registered participants receive an email alert when a matched position is posted. The advantage…even freshmen can check out email alerts and start building a pool of possible future employers. Get an alert, read the post, google the company. With BCL you’ll discover employers that you didn’t know were seeking VU grads! BCL also have many tools to help you along your employment search. Don’t forget to check out the Calendar for upcoming ‘free’ events!

Career Fairs

Meet employers who want to meet you!

Career Fairs are a great way to meet new employers who are actually looking for VU students! Of course, you’ll want make that great first impression so be prepared. We can help you! Take a Resume. Dress appropriately. Have your Elevator speech ready!

We host several fairs during the school year. Career Fairs, typically held in the spring, have numerous companies attending from GM, Indiana State Police, Subaru Automotive Manufacturing, Deaconess Health, and many others. The Internship Fair starts the process for present semester or summer opportunities. Additionally, to help current students find employment while they attend school, the Career Center hosts part-time job fairs during the first few days of the semester.

Even if you aren’t looking this year, you should attend to gather names and contact information. You never know when you might need a summer internship! Be sure you are registered on BCL so you will receive alerts!

Resume Reviews

Not just a resume…a Polished Resume!

Your resume can be the first step in securing employment. A one-on-one Resume Review appointment will ensure that you market yourself with a strong first impression. Call to make an appointment for a review. If you some need help starting your resume, log into BCL, click “Resource” on the left side, take a look at the “Purple Sample” resume found under Document Library.

Interview Skills

Are you ready?

Ever wonder how you look during an interview? Need time to practice? Need questions to practice? You can arrange a private, in-person Mock Interview with a Career Center staff member. Additionally, VU offers an online tool, Big Interview, which allows you to practice in the privacy of your room, or anywhere with your laptop, even at 2:00 in the morning! Want to hone those interview skills even further? Both methods offer you the experience to help eliminate any nervousness. You will get feedback on your verbal answer as well as your non-verbal movements.

Market Yourself Workshops

Free Workshops

It doesn’t happen overnight. Your skills develop over time. The time to start is now! Attend a variety of themed workshops offered throughout each semester to help you market yourself with confidence! Attend our free workshop sessions offered during the day and during the early evening hours. Check out our Calendar of Events!

Career Cruising

Not sure about your major?

Are you in the right major? Need to explore some career options that your major can offer? Ever wonder what a day in the life of a Surgical Technologist is like? This online tool can help you in many ways. Students, give us a call for the current passwords. You might want to set a follow-up appointment to discuss the findings. It’s fun just to explore the options!

Grad Survey:

Wages? Successful job hunts?

Each year, just like most other colleges, VU reaches out to recent graduates in order to collect information such as where the grad is working, which company, and what state. Additionally, we calculate the average starting wages among majors. This helps incoming students better understand what their first full time job could pay. It also helps you to see if your job offer falls in line with previous grads. Of course, wages increase with experience and time on the job, but it’s helpful to know this information. If you recently graduated, please help us by reporting your information here.

We're Here to Help!

Vigo Hall - 3rd Floor
Vincennes Campus


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