drop appeals

Drops for Attendance and Procedures for Student Appeals

Faculty-Initiated Withdrawal of Students from Class

Students who miss class hours totaling twice the number of credit hours awarded for the course, or the equivalent of two weeks of class instruction, are eligible to be dropped from class. Faculty will be using the “TAPS” program–Tracking Attendance and Performance of Students–to issue warnings for non-attendance and to drop students for non-attendance with the following final grades:

  • WN: Withdrawal for non-attendance, Not failing
  • WF: Withdrawal for non-attendance, Failing

Only the student may appeal such a drop for non-attendance, and the student has two possible avenues for appeal.

  1. The student may appeal directly to the faculty person for readmission to the course and must provide evidence of extenuating circumstances that caused the absences. The faculty person has the option to readmit the student at his/her own discretion.
  2. The student may appeal the drop for non-attendance through the Dean of Students Office by completing a Drop Appeal Form within five business days from the date of the notification. The Dean of Students will then review the appeal, consult with the faculty member and, potentially, the student and render a decision to grant or deny readmission into the class. If there is extenuating information/evidence unknown to the faculty person or Dean of Students, the student is responsible to provide that information/evidence. The review is conducted by the Dean of Students or a designee.

Drop Appeal Form

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